About Us
Ubish Yaren

Hi I’m Ubish Yaren and I didn’t choose to be born in Mexico, I just got lucky.
I have worked in the Food Industry since I’m 15 years old, and for me the most important thing about food is not the flavor, looks or creativity, food is important because of the people that bring together and the connections that will create.
I graduated from culinary arts school at 21 years and then traveled the world cooking Mexican food and I discovered that Mexican food outside Mexico is very different and I wanted to show the real Mexican food to everyone.
When I started to work in the culinary tourism industry I found that this was the perfect way of not only showing the real Mexican food but also to make the travelers know the real Mexico, that we are a welcoming and warm people and to take off the stereotypes that people have about Mexico and Mexicans.
I feel lucky to have an amazing team of guides that are in love with Mexico and love to share their knowledge with the world.


She is enthusiastic of the rich and diverse cultures in Mexico, their colors and flavors. Born in a small town near Mexico City, allowed her to get to know Mexico City from an outsider’s point of view, and to fall in love with it. Guiding since 2016

Museums, history, dogs and live music lover, born and rise in one of the most important and largest markets around the city, tour guide since 2016 and her favorite dish is enchiladas.

Chef, Podcaster and Stand up comedian, born and raised in Mexico City, tour guide since 2015 and his favorite taco is barbacoa.

Musician, story lover and teller, urban wanderluster born and raised in Mexico Tenochtitlan CDMX, guide since 2015, his favorite taco is avocado.